
  • My 2023 Temperature Blanket (Colors, Pattern, and Tips!)

    I’m excited to be crocheting a temperature blanket for 2023! In this post, I’ll be sharing my yarn color palette, the pattern I’m following, and tips for making your own. What is a temperature blanket? A temperature blanket is a year-long project in which each row of the blanket represents the temperature for one day of the year. The color for that row will be dictated by a pre-determined range…

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  • 7 Crochet Ideas for Fall

    In this post, I’m sharing crochet ideas for fall. As the weather gets colder and cozy season approaches, I can’t think of a better time to be crocheting! If you’re brand new to crocheting, check out the posts in my Crochet 101 series first: Basic…

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